Ireland’s Only 100% Non Stunned Certified Halal Chicken

Our Story

Bringing non stunned halal chicken to Ireland's community with passion and dedication.

About HMC

The HMC System:

HMC Ireland was established to help ensure that all Muslims could be confident that the chicken they consume are ‘genuinely 100% Halal’. Our high standards of Halal can be reflected by the repeated number of checks in place from the slaughterhouse to the outlets.

Khaled Elfotooh, Managing Director of HMC says, “At HMC Ireland, we have gone above and beyond to ensure that Muslim families in Ireland have access to truly halal, 100% Sunnah-compliant chicken. We are honoured to be the first to serve this standard, knowing that by providing pure and lawful food, we are contributing to the acceptance of the duas of our community. "As Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught us, one's prayers will not be answered if their food and drink are haram Your faith deserves nothing less."”.

This is done via rigorous inspections, labelling, and assurance rules for food which are regularly monitored by trained HMC inspectors. By choosing Poultry which has been through a clear system and verified at each point of the supply chain, all Muslims can be sure that the food passing their mouths is truly Halal.

HMC Halal Criteria:

The following describes some of the key criteria for Halal adopted by HMC:

  • Animal is alive and healthy prior to slaughter (also correct species of animal).

  • Mandatory recitation of Tasmiyah by a Muslim slaughter man (blessing) on each animal.

  • Swift and humane incision rendering the animal insensible to pain (Hand Slaughter).

  • Compliance check ensuring 3 of the 4 main vessels are cut.

In addition, all meat is labeled and sealed (where appropriate) and checks for cross contamination are made.

Key Facts:

The HMC Chicken Ireland is an independent organisation whose main aim is to supply the production of genuine Halal chicken. HMC complies with the Irish Laws for food production as well as Islamic dietary compliance Laws.

HMC’s strength comes from:

  • Scholarly support from around Ireland.

  • The universally acceptable Halal criteria adopted by HMC.

  • Continuous monitoring and inspection system.

  • The slaughter house is by Muslims, from slaughtering to packaging.

  • Strict inspection to comply with islamic Rulings.

  • Grassroots marketing.

  • Continuously maintained and updated website.

  • Varied membership including people from diverse Muslim denominations.

All to bring you Halal to your doorstep with confidence! Alhamdu-Lillah.

Our Relationship with HMC UK

HMC Ireland operates as an independent business dedicated to providing authentic non-stunned halal chicken to the Irish market. While we share the same commitment to upholding the highest halal standards, it’s important to note that HMC Ireland is not a charity like HMC UK.

HMC UK, which is run as a charity, fully supports our mission and business model, but their support is provided indirectly. This ensures that we align with their strict halal criteria while maintaining our status as a separate and independently operated entity. We are proud to work closely with HMC UK’s standards, offering Irish consumers the confidence and trust they deserve in their halal products.

Our office

Suite 10717 26/27 Upper Pembroke Street, Dublin 2

D02 X361

+353 894835398

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Contact Us

Reach out to us for inquiries or partnership opportunities.